Postcode Lottery

The Dutch Postcode Lottery was founded in 1989 to support charitable causes. Today, 2.5 million people in the Netherlands play every year, vying for hundreds of thousands of prizes each month. As they play, they’re supporting good causes: half the price of each ticket is distributed among 92 charities. Since the Postcode Lottery was founded, it has donated more than €4 billion to organisations working on behalf of humanity and the natural environment. The numerous bodies receiving support annually include UNICEF, WWF, Amnesty International, Natuurmonumenten and Doctors Without Borders.


For other uses, see Postcode lottery (disambiguation). In the United Kingdom, the postcode lottery is the unequal provision of services such as healthcare, education and insurance prices depending on the geographic area or postcode. Postcodes can directly affect the services an area can obtain, such as insurance prices. Although the actual People’s Postcode Lottery isn’t a scam, the latest scam that is sweeping through the UK is using the PPL’s name. Beginnings on the Internet. The first instance the People’s Postcode Lottery was used as a scam was way back in 2009 when they would contact their.

  • About People's Postcode Lottery People’s Postcode Lottery is a not-for-commercial-gain organisation owned by Novamedia, the creators of the postcode lottery brand. Novamedia was established in 1983 with the goal of contributing to a better world through the operation of charity lotteries, media and publishing activities.
  • Although the actual People’s Postcode Lottery isn’t a scam, the latest scam that is sweeping through the UK is using the PPL’s name. Beginnings on the Internet. The first instance the People’s Postcode Lottery was used as a scam was way back in 2009 when they would contact their victims via their email accounts.

Since 2005, the Postcode Lottery has also operated in the United Kingdom and Sweden, also raising funds for good causes. In the Netherlands, the Dutch Postcode Lottery works with the BankGiro Loterij and VriendenLoterij under the Goede Doelen Loterijen umbrella. Novamedia/Postcode Loterijen is the second largest private charitable donor in the world.

Find out more about our support from the National Post Code Lottery and the Lottery’s charitable giving.

Check out the National Postcode Lottery on Twitter (@PostcodeLoterij) and FaceBook where you will find daily updates on project activities and items of interest.

2015 Goed Geld Gala:

At the Goed Geld Gala in January 2015 DCNA was the proud recipient of Special Project funding from the Lottery to run a three year long, six island initiative to “Save our Sharks”! The project aims to work with all sectors of the community from fishermen to decision makers to ensure that by 2017 sharks will be able to flourish in our waters. Check out the latest information on “Save our Sharks”

In 2005, DCNA received an initial cash flow from the Dutch Postcode Lottery as a ‘special project’ beneficiary of IUCN Netherlands. In February 2009, DCNA became a full beneficiary of the Dutch Postcode Lottery. This was announced during the ‘Goed Geld Gala’, when DCNA received an amount to be freely used of 500,000 Euro. Forty percent of this amount is put into the trust fund. The rest is used for fundraising, communication and capacity building of the parks. DCNA is one of the 93 charitable organisations which receives an amount of money annually from the Dutch Postcode Lottery.

Special Project 2015-2017: “Save our Sharks”

World wide over 100 million sharks are killed every year as a result of fishing and shark finning activities.


Sharks are being driven to the brink of extinction by our ignorance and greed.

Thanks to the generous support of the Dutch Postcode Lottery we can now make a real difference!

Our goal: by 2017 sharks will flourish in our waters, protected by islanders and valued boht as an integral part of our marine heritage and as a valuable tourism asset.

  • Find out all about the project on our dedicated Save your Sharks project page.

Special Project 2010-2012: “What if We Change”

Postcode Lottery

The Conch Restoration project in Lac Bay was part of a three-year initiative funded by the Dutch Postcode Lottery called “What If We Change”. The project was launched in August 2010 by the national park management organisation STINAPA Bonaire. The project aimed to restore conch populations within Lac and use this as the basis for the development of a sustainable conch fishery.

Postcode Lottery Check My Postcode

  • Read all about the project on our dedicated Conch Restoration Project Page.

In the United Kingdom, the postcode lottery is the unequal provision of services such as healthcare, education and insurance prices depending on the geographic area or postcode. Postcodes can directly affect the services an area can obtain, such as insurance prices. Despite having many non-postal uses, postcodes are only determined based on Royal Mail operations and bear little relation to local government boundaries. More broadly, there is an unequal provision of services around the country, especially in public services, such as access to cancer drugs in the healthcare system or quality of education. These are more likely to be a result of local budgets and decision-making than actual postcodes.

Postcode Lottery Uk

Postcodes were devised solely for the purposes of sorting and directing mail and rarely coincide with political boundaries. However, over time they have become a geographical reference in their own right with postcodes and postcode groups becoming synonymous with certain towns and districts. Further to this, the postcode has been used by organisations for other applications including government statistics, marketing, calculation of car and household insurance premiums and credit referencing.

Postcode Lottery Results
